Yes. I admit it. I procrastinate! I have no idea why it happens... mostly it happens with things I want to do that are good for me. For example like when I want to mail the claim form from the Dentist so I can get may $$$ back some how it ends up in a pile of miscellaneous papers and never gets sent. Or like installing the dishawasher I bought last year.... and passing it every day as it sits outside the kitchen. Ok well I finally got that one done last week. :)
Anyhow, cannot solve the procrastinating thing for everything but hope to do that with this blogging thing. :) I forgot my account username and password which is the main reason why I never continued. Then today I was reading this really cool book called Naked Conversations. (No it is not about naked people talking) It is about blogging and how it is changing the world, especially the business world. An interesting read so far - I am halfway through it.
So now my main issue with this blogging thing is to decide what topic to blog about. They say you are supposed to write about what you know... so looks like according to my varied interests I can write about:
Innovation - I love innovation. I am always finding ways to innovate in everything.
Creativity - I am creative and love doing anything that lets me express my creativity.
Technology and gadgets - Oh how I love gadgets.
Apple & Macs - My passion for Macs.
Books - I love to read any kind of book especially ones on technology and business then also art & photography. Reading keeps you learning.
People - I love to meet new people.
Travel - If I had an unlimited source of $$$ I would be doing this all the time.
Photography - I love to take photos, especially black & white film.
Dating - My adventures in dating... I think once you are over age 30 dating becomes tedious as you get tired of the bad date thing.
Ok I guess I will have to decide one day, but for now my blog will just be filled with the random things that fill my life!